The new generation windows. When choosing them, you choose the comfort of warmth, silence and aesthetics. Windows based on the Ideal 8000 system provide thermal and acoustic insulation at the highest level. They are recommended for passive buildings.
*standard of the day 16.04.2019. Requires technological confirmation.
The safety of our windows is provided by above all the fittings invisible to the naked eye.
Windows based on the Ideal 8000 system are equipped with Maco Multi-Matic fittings. Choosing the hardware depends on a customer's individual needs and requirements. In our standard version a window has six anti-burglar latches per sash and pins impeding burglary with a compression adjustment. An important part of the fitting is also an inner central compression lock. The lock adjusts automatically to an air gap. This ensures not only safety, but also tightness and light functioning of window sashes. As one of few manufacturers we equip turn-tilt windows with a blockage against handle misplacement. It is integrated with a sash lifter.
As you can see Maco Multi-Matic fittings have great advantages. They may easily be equipped with additional anti-burglar latches and other elements. If you want to obtain a window with the highest safety parameters, we also recommend anti-burglary or tempered glass as well as Hoppe Secustik handles with a key. We also offer fittings that meet the requirements of the classes WK1 and WK2.
An additional securing element that prevents burglary can be reed switches and alarm loops in a pane. Reed switches are nothing other than magnetic sensors of window opening. The alarm will be activated at the moment of relocation of a fitting around the window. The latter solution, an alarm loop, will go off at the moment of breaking a pane or other interference in its structure.
Year by year there are more and more customers, who while choosing windows for their homes, consider the product's thermal insulation indicator as the decisive factor. More frequently they decide to go for energy efficient products that will enable to decrease the bills for the energy.
Ideal 8000 is the warmest system from the Aluplast profile family with unrivalled opportunities. Its profile depth enables to install glazing units up to 51 mm of their width. To customers that value the quality of a product we recommend adding even wider four-glazed unit with a warm edge spacer. The window prepared in this way will achieve the thermal transmittance coefficient required for windows designed for passive buildings with ease.
We also suggest looking into our newest products on offer. Panes with a selective layer is a complete innovation, which will enable to reduce the bills for heating and make the expenses associated with air conditioning room on warmer days smaller. The pane, due to the used specially constructed layer, lets in significantly less sunlight and therefore it is much easier to preserve a nice and pleasant temperature in rooms in summer. However, in winter a pane will be a barrier for warmth escaping from the inside. The panes are especially recommended for use in buildings with large glazing units from the south, south-west and south-east.Okna bardzo często stają się ozdobą elewacji czy wnętrza budynku. Swoim klientom dajemy kilka możliwości dzięki którym będą mogli uczynić okno niepowtarzalnym.
Podstawową propozycją jest dobór koloru i struktury okleiny. Dysponujemy szeroką paletą kolorów, a dzisiejsza technologia pozwala nam na okleinowanie jednostronne, dwustronne oraz w formule duo-kolor.
Proponujemy także barwienie acrylcolor. To innowacyjna technologia, dzięki której uzyskamy nie tylko niezwykły kolor stolarki, ale przede wszystkim kolor ten zachowa swój wygląd na długie lata. W tym przypadku bowiem PVC łączone jest z kolorowym szkłem akrylowym, co tworzy nierozerwalną mieszankę. Kolor uzyskany w ten sposób nie starzeje się i nie odpryskuje. Profile barwione przy pomocy acrylcolor są również bardziej odporne na uszkodzenia, zarysowania, a także są łatwiejsze w pielęgnacji. Naszym klientom oferujemy kilkanaście kolorów, którymi można barwić profile.
Kolor to jednak nie wszystko. Już w standardzie okna wykonane w systemie S 9000 zgrzewamy przy pomocy technologii V-Perfect. Dzięki temu oddajemy naszym klientom precyzyjnie wykończoną stolarkę, gdyż połączenia wykonywane są bez wypływu nadmiaru wylewki, dzięki czemu naroża okienne zyskują niezwykle estetyczny wygląd. Miejsce łączenia profili staje się praktycznie niewidoczne, a od wewnątrz okno jest doskonale oczyszczone.
The production process is extremely significant and using a proper technology udoubtedly improves the joinery usage parameters. That is why, we invest constantly in the machinery centre as well as improve the production technology of our windows. As the pioneers in the world we decided to implement the V-Perfect technology into the mass production.
Due to the applied solutions nowadays we are able to offer the highest quality and precisely finished joinery to our customers. Windows in the Ideal 8000 systems can optionally be produced with the use of the V-Perfect technology. In this case the joining place does not have any mark of the material surplus therefore the window's corner gains an extremely aesthetic look. The place of joining the profiles is practically invisible. We use the V-Perfect technology for joining both white profiles and the veneered ones.
To customers searching alternative solutions we also recommend windows with a movable mullion. The movable mullion is nothing else than a window structure element that is permanently joined with one of the sashes. Only with using this mullion we are able to get the full access to the sunlight without any interference in the opened frame as there is no visible division with any mullion.
An extremely interesting solution are also anti-pollution screens. They protect not only against smog, but also fungus and mould, sea salt, plant spores, pollen, dust mites, insects and even aerosols, exhaust gases or dust. In winter they constitute a perfect protection against smog and in spring they are a salvation for people with allergies and finally in summer they function as insect screens. Anti-pollution screens are a certified and tested solution, which preserves its filtering properties for 3 years.
We offer a wide range of accessories that may be added to a window based on the Ideal 8000 system. To the group of the most popular accessories certainly belong Hoppe Secustik handles. They are equipped with a mechanism blocking a handle twist thereby windows gain an excellent protection against breaking in. Even a better protection is provided by a Hoppe Secustik handle with a key. Another option is getting more and more enthusiasts among parents as the lock is an effective protection against opening windows by children. A handle with a key blocks effectively opening a window. If we however would like to secure a window against opening and keep the options of its tilt, you should go for fittings with the so-called English-style tilt. The mechanism of fittings blocks the possibility of opening a window, but leaves the option of its tilt. A child will be able to tilt a window excluding the option of its opening.
If we are considering handles, we cannot forget about a possibility of installing a brake in the handle. The brake allows to hold a window sash in any position after its opening.
Windows serve many useful functions. Apart from safety they undoubtedly provide ventilation. All turn-tilt windows in our standard versions are equipped with micro ventilation in the corner. Although this solution is applied in all the windows, it is advisable to make sure that the windows we buy are also equipped with air vents. Thanks to them we will get a permanent access to fresh air. The most convenient solution are ventilators controlled by a humidity sensor. They are practically attendance-free. The steering sensor is here a polyamide tape, which analyses changes of a relative humidity level in rooms and modifies a vent's opening.
If we want to increase our window's parameters of thermal insulation, it is recommended to equip them with warm edge spacers. They are made of composite insulating material and they improve the insulation of the panes as well as reduce the risk of the occurance of temporary water vapour condensation that in winter may freeze and therefore around seals there may appear ice. Moreover, warm edge spacers guarantee long-term tightness of insulated glass and the maximum savings of the thermal energy losses through reducing thermal bridges in a place of joining a frame with a pane.
*Standard na dzień 16.04.2019. Wymaga potwierdzenia technologicznego.
**kolor tylko od strony zewnętrznej, od wewnątrz profil pozostaje biały
The safety of our windows is provided by above all the fittings invisible to the naked eye.
Windows based on the Ideal 8000 system are equipped with Maco Multi-Matic fittings. Choosing the hardware depends on a customer's individual needs and requirements. In our standard version a window has six anti-burglar latches per sash and pins impeding burglary with a compression adjustment. An important part of the fitting is also an inner central compression lock. The lock adjusts automatically to an air gap. This ensures not only safety, but also tightness and light functioning of window sashes. As one of few manufacturers we equip turn-tilt windows with a blockage against handle misplacement. It is integrated with a sash lifter.
As you can see Maco Multi-Matic fittings have great advantages. They may easily be equipped with additional anti-burglar latches and other elements. If you want to obtain a window with the highest safety parameters, we also recommend anti-burglary or tempered glass as well as Hoppe Secustik handles with a key. We also offer fittings that meet the requirements of the classes WK1 and WK2.
An additional securing element that prevents burglary can be reed switches and alarm loops in a pane. Reed switches are nothing other than magnetic sensors of window opening. The alarm will be activated at the moment of relocation of a fitting around the window. The latter solution, an alarm loop, will go off at the moment of breaking a pane or other interference in its structure.
Year by year there are more and more customers, who while choosing windows for their homes, consider the product's thermal insulation indicator as the decisive factor. More frequently they decide to go for energy efficient products that will enable to decrease the bills for the energy.
Ideal 8000 is the warmest system from the Aluplast profile family with unrivalled opportunities. Its profile depth enables to install glazing units up to 51 mm of their width. To customers that value the quality of a product we recommend adding even wider four-glazed unit with a warm edge spacer. The window prepared in this way will achieve the thermal transmittance coefficient required for windows designed for passive buildings with ease.
We also suggest looking into our newest products on offer. Panes with a selective layer is a complete innovation, which will enable to reduce the bills for heating and make the expenses associated with air conditioning room on warmer days smaller. The pane, due to the used specially constructed layer, lets in significantly less sunlight and therefore it is much easier to preserve a nice and pleasant temperature in rooms in summer. However, in winter a pane will be a barrier for warmth escaping from the inside. The panes are especially recommended for use in buildings with large glazing units from the south, south-west and south-east.Windows more and more often become decorative elements. There are many ways of making them unique ornaments - for both the entire building as well as its interior. We have prepared a few suggestions for our customers.
Absolutely the most crucial elements are a choice of colours and veneer structures. We have at our disposal a wide range of smooth and wood-like colours. Today technology lets us offer one-sided and both-sided veneers as well as with the use of duo-colour formula.
We highly recommend aluminium shells called Aluskins to those customers who are looking for innovative solutions. Thanks to Aluskins a window will gain a finish typical for aluminium windows. This is the best combination of warmth that is guaranteed by PVC windows with the aesthetic quality shown by aluminium windows. Aluskins are also available in a wide range of colours, completely unique as far as PVC joinery is concerned. The shells may be in any RAL colour and we offer a wide range of textured paints.
If you would like to increase even more the aesthetic aspects of windows, we can equip them with Multi-Power fittings - the so-called concealed fittings. The fittings are hidden in the rebate and are completely invisible when the window is closed.
In this way the window will gain an elegant look and its composition will become extremely balanced. Apart from aesthetic factors of the concealed fittings, it ought to be kept in mind that their practical function is equally important. The hinges with the use of concealed fittings are characterised by the increased load-bearing capacity thereby the window gains anti-burglary properties. They are also warmer as concealed fitting prevent thermal bridges.
The production process is extremely significant and using a proper technology udoubtedly improves the joinery usage parameters. That is why, we invest constantly in the machinery centre as well as improve the production technology of our windows. As the pioneers in the world we decided to implement the V-Perfect technology into the mass production.
Due to the applied solutions nowadays we are able to offer the highest quality and precisely finished joinery to our customers. Windows in the Ideal 8000 systems can optionally be produced with the use of the V-Perfect technology. In this case the joining place does not have any mark of the material surplus therefore the window's corner gains an extremely aesthetic look. The place of joining the profiles is practically invisible. We use the V-Perfect technology for joining both white profiles and the veneered ones.
To customers searching alternative solutions we also recommend windows with a movable mullion. The movable mullion is nothing else than a window structure element that is permanently joined with one of the sashes. Only with using this mullion we are able to get the full access to the sunlight without any interference in the opened frame as there is no visible division with any mullion.
An extremely interesting solution are also anti-pollution screens. They protect not only against smog, but also fungus and mould, sea salt, plant spores, pollen, dust mites, insects and even aerosols, exhaust gases or dust. In winter they constitute a perfect protection against smog and in spring they are a salvation for people with allergies and finally in summer they function as insect screens. Anti-pollution screens are a certified and tested solution, which preserves its filtering properties for 3 years.
We offer a wide range of accessories that may be added to a window based on the Ideal 8000 system. To the group of the most popular accessories certainly belong Hoppe Secustik handles. They are equipped with a mechanism blocking a handle twist thereby windows gain an excellent protection against breaking in. Even a better protection is provided by a Hoppe Secustik handle with a key. Another option is getting more and more enthusiasts among parents as the lock is an effective protection against opening windows by children. A handle with a key blocks effectively opening a window. If we however would like to secure a window against opening and keep the options of its tilt, you should go for fittings with the so-called English-style tilt. The mechanism of fittings blocks the possibility of opening a window, but leaves the option of its tilt. A child will be able to tilt a window excluding the option of its opening.
If we are considering handles, we cannot forget about a possibility of installing a brake in the handle. The brake allows to hold a window sash in any position after its opening.
Windows serve many useful functions. Apart from safety they undoubtedly provide ventilation. All turn-tilt windows in our standard versions are equipped with micro ventilation in the corner. Although this solution is applied in all the windows, it is advisable to make sure that the windows we buy are also equipped with air vents. Thanks to them we will get a permanent access to fresh air. The most convenient solution are ventilators controlled by a humidity sensor. They are practically attendance-free. The steering sensor is here a polyamide tape, which analyses changes of a relative humidity level in rooms and modifies a vent's opening.
If we want to increase our window's parameters of thermal insulation, it is recommended to equip them with warm edge spacers. They are made of composite insulating material and they improve the insulation of the panes as well as reduce the risk of the occurance of temporary water vapour condensation that in winter may freeze and therefore around seals there may appear ice. Moreover, warm edge spacers guarantee long-term tightness of insulated glass and the maximum savings of the thermal energy losses through reducing thermal bridges in a place of joining a frame with a pane.
Most importantly, windows should be safe.
Constructing an energy efficient building is not only an environment friendly solution, but above all, a way to reduce your expenses on the energy.
Window and door joinery does not only enchance the style of a building, but also add an individual tinge.
Our high class machinery centre as well as the experienced employees give us a possibility to achieve the impeccable quality of our products. Furthermore, we offer a dazzling array of system solutions. and our joinery is based on the tested and renowned components. Therefore, we can guarantee durability and great longevity of our products.