A combination of the most popular solutions with a six-chamber frame structure allowed to obtain better thermal insulation of a window. The high standard is based on the product tested and appreciated on the market.
*standard of the day 16.04.2019. Requires technological confirmation.
Every year the market imposes higher demands for window joinery. Thus, the accessories included in our offer enable to upgrade functionality and safety of windows.
As a standard, our windows are constructed with the use of the Ideal 4000 system and equipped with two anti-burglar latches per sash and pins that impede burglary with an option of pressure adjustment. An important component of the window hardware is an inner central compression lock. An automatic compression lock adjusts to an air gap. This ensures not only safety, but also tightness and light functioning of a window sash. As one of few manufacturers, in our standard versions, all fittings for turn-tilt windows are also equipped with a blockage against handle misplacement. An additional functional component is a micro-ventilation scissor, which makes it possible to obtain a slot air ventilation.
The anti-burglary resistance class for windows will certainly be upgraded with a larger number of anti-burglary pins, a special handle with a key and an anti-drill plate, which is installed in a lock box. We also offer fittings that meet the requirements of WK1 and WK2 resistance classes.
We highly recommend to equip windows based on the Ideal 4000 system with the fittings with the so-called graded tilt. This function enables to set a sash in a few different positions - starting with setting the handle in a trickle ventilation position and then to a full tilt. Another interesting option is a brake in the handle, which after opening the window enables to stop its sash in any chosen position. The both options included in our offer allow airing rooms thereby guarantee their proper ventilation. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to equip a window with an air vent. We provide a wide range of window ventilators such as pressure ventilators, the ones controlled by a humidity sensor, on-frame ones and glazed-in air vents.
Rośnie liczba klientów, którzy poszukują energooszczędnej stolarki, dzięki której zimą zatrzymają ciepło wewnątrz budynku, a latem zapobiegną nagrzewaniu się pomieszczeń. Idealnym rozwiązaniem wydaje się stolarka wykonana w oparciu o system S 9000.
Stwarza ogromne możliwości. Jego głębokość zabudowy pozwala na montaż pakietów szybowych o szerokości nawet 54 mm (szklenie STV) lub 52 mm (szklenie tradycyjne). Naszym klientom już w standardzie oferujemy ciepły pakiet szybowy o szerokości 48 mm (4/18/4/18/4). Osobom ceniącym sobie wysokie właściwości termoizolacyjne polecamy natomiast doposażyć okna w szerszy, nawet czteroszybowy pakiet, a także ciepłą ramkę dystansową. Tak przygotowane okno bez najmniejszego problemu zyska współczynnik przenikania ciepła wymagany dla okien stosowanych w budownictwie pasywnym.
We offer a wide range of solutions that will enhance not only functional aspects of a window, but also its aesthetic features.
The basic way to add an individual style to windows and doors is to choose a veneer colour and structure. We offer a wide range of smooth and wood-like colours to choose from. PVC windows are available with one-sided, double-sided and duo-colour veneer options. An absolutely new option in our offer is a full colour veneer. We lay veneers not only on a frame, but also rebates, sash edges and other elements that are not seen when a window is closed but seen when it is open. Moreover, our customers can choose a shape of a window sash finish that we offer in two versions – Round-line (rounded) and Soft-line (straight).
If you are interested in achieving the highest standard of windows' aesthetics, you should definitely look into the other products in our offer. Aluminium shells called "Aluskins" combine the warmth that is guaranteed by PVC windows and the innovative design that is ensured by aluminium windows. They will make it possible to achieve a unique and unusual design of the building. Aluminium skins for PVC windows are available in a complete RAL colour palette. What is more, in our offer you will also find a wide range of textured paints.
Unusual aesthetics can be enhanced with the use of Multi-Power hardware, which is also called concealed hinges. All their particular parts are hidden within the area of a rebate and absolutely invisible when the window sash is closed. This solution not only enhance the aesthetic finish of the product, but also enables to eliminate thermal bridges.
A wide range of accessories mostly includes additional fuctions that a window will have. One of the most important functions that you should keep in mind is undoubtedly a ventilation function. Therefore, it highly recommended to install vents, which provide permanent access to fresh air from the inside and prevent the rooms from getting damp.
If you want to keep children safe in the rooms, it also recommended to go for Hoppe Secustik handles with a key and fittings with an English-style tilt. What is the difference? A handle with a key blocks completely a possibility of opening the window. The English-style tilt mechanism blocks a possibility of opening the window, but it leaves an option to tilt the window.
Installing insect screens will definitely comfort people spending their time inside. This solution is absolutely the most effective protection method against insects. Our offer includes insect screens and is extremely extensive. You can choose from fixed, sliding and roller insect screens.
Furthermore, anti-pollution screens constitute an extremely interesting solution. They protect against not only smog, but also mould and fungus, sea salt, spores of plants, pollen, dust mites, insects and even aerosols, exhaust gases and dust. In winter they are a perfect protection against smog, in spring they are salvation for those with allergies and in summer they function as insect screens. Our anti-pollution screens are certified, tested and maintain their filtration properties for 3 years.
Investors willing to add a smarter look to their windows should definitely go for muntins mainly for their decorative aspects. Our customers can choose from internal and stick-on muntins. Depending on a chosen type of muntins, they are placed between the panes or sticked on the glass surface.
*standard of the day 16.04.2019. Requires technological confirmation.
Every year the market imposes higher demands for window joinery. Thus, the accessories included in our offer enable to upgrade functionality and safety of windows.
As a standard, our windows are constructed with the use of the Ideal 4000 system and equipped with two anti-burglar latches per sash and pins that impede burglary with an option of pressure adjustment. An important component of the window hardware is an inner central compression lock. An automatic compression lock adjusts to an air gap. This ensures not only safety, but also tightness and light functioning of a window sash. As one of few manufacturers, in our standard versions, all fittings for turn-tilt windows are also equipped with a blockage against handle misplacement. An additional functional component is a micro-ventilation scissor, which makes it possible to obtain a slot air ventilation.
The anti-burglary resistance class for windows will certainly be upgraded with a larger number of anti-burglary pins, a special handle with a key and an anti-drill plate, which is installed in a lock box. We also offer fittings that meet the requirements of WK1 and WK2 resistance classes.
We highly recommend to equip windows based on the Ideal 4000 system with the fittings with the so-called graded tilt. This function enables to set a sash in a few different positions - starting with setting the handle in a trickle ventilation position and then to a full tilt. Another interesting option is a brake in the handle, which after opening the window enables to stop its sash in any chosen position. The both options included in our offer allow airing rooms thereby guarantee their proper ventilation. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to equip a window with an air vent. We provide a wide range of window ventilators such as pressure ventilators, the ones controlled by a humidity sensor, on-frame ones and glazed-in air vents.
Rośnie liczba klientów, którzy poszukują energooszczędnej stolarki, dzięki której zimą zatrzymają ciepło wewnątrz budynku, a latem zapobiegną nagrzewaniu się pomieszczeń. Idealnym rozwiązaniem wydaje się stolarka wykonana w oparciu o system S 9000.
Stwarza ogromne możliwości. Jego głębokość zabudowy pozwala na montaż pakietów szybowych o szerokości nawet 54 mm (szklenie STV) lub 52 mm (szklenie tradycyjne). Naszym klientom już w standardzie oferujemy ciepły pakiet szybowy o szerokości 48 mm (4/18/4/18/4). Osobom ceniącym sobie wysokie właściwości termoizolacyjne polecamy natomiast doposażyć okna w szerszy, nawet czteroszybowy pakiet, a także ciepłą ramkę dystansową. Tak przygotowane okno bez najmniejszego problemu zyska współczynnik przenikania ciepła wymagany dla okien stosowanych w budownictwie pasywnym.
We offer a wide range of solutions that will enhance not only functional aspects of a window, but also its aesthetic features.
The basic way to add an individual style to windows and doors is to choose a veneer colour and structure. We offer a wide range of smooth and wood-like colours to choose from. PVC windows are available with one-sided, double-sided and duo-colour veneer options. An absolutely new option in our offer is a full colour veneer. We lay veneers not only on a frame, but also rebates, sash edges and other elements that are not seen when a window is closed but seen when it is open. Moreover, our customers can choose a shape of a window sash finish that we offer in two versions – Round-line (rounded) and Soft-line (straight).
If you are interested in achieving the highest standard of windows' aesthetics, you should definitely look into the other products in our offer. Aluminium shells called "Aluskins" combine the warmth that is guaranteed by PVC windows and the innovative design that is ensured by aluminium windows. They will make it possible to achieve a unique and unusual design of the building. Aluminium skins for PVC windows are available in a complete RAL colour palette. What is more, in our offer you will also find a wide range of textured paints.
Unusual aesthetics can be enhanced with the use of Multi-Power hardware, which is also called concealed hinges. All their particular parts are hidden within the area of a rebate and absolutely invisible when the window sash is closed. This solution not only enhance the aesthetic finish of the product, but also enables to eliminate thermal bridges.
A wide range of accessories mostly includes additional fuctions that a window will have. One of the most important functions that you should keep in mind is undoubtedly a ventilation function. Therefore, it highly recommended to install vents, which provide permanent access to fresh air from the inside and prevent the rooms from getting damp.
If you want to keep children safe in the rooms, it also recommended to go for Hoppe Secustik handles with a key and fittings with an English-style tilt. What is the difference? A handle with a key blocks completely a possibility of opening the window. The English-style tilt mechanism blocks a possibility of opening the window, but it leaves an option to tilt the window.
Installing insect screens will definitely comfort people spending their time inside. This solution is absolutely the most effective protection method against insects. Our offer includes insect screens and is extremely extensive. You can choose from fixed, sliding and roller insect screens.
Furthermore, anti-pollution screens constitute an extremely interesting solution. They protect against not only smog, but also mould and fungus, sea salt, spores of plants, pollen, dust mites, insects and even aerosols, exhaust gases and dust. In winter they are a perfect protection against smog, in spring they are salvation for those with allergies and in summer they function as insect screens. Our anti-pollution screens are certified, tested and maintain their filtration properties for 3 years.
Investors willing to add a smarter look to their windows should definitely go for muntins mainly for their decorative aspects. Our customers can choose from internal and stick-on muntins. Depending on a chosen type of muntins, they are placed between the panes or sticked on the glass surface.
Most importantly, windows should be safe.
Constructing an energy efficient building is not only an environment friendly solution, but above all, a way to reduce your expenses on the energy.
Window and door joinery does not only enchance the style of a building, but also add an individual tinge.
Our high class machinery centre as well as the experienced employees give us a possibility to achieve the impeccable quality of our products. Furthermore, we offer a dazzling array of system solutions. and our joinery is based on the tested and renowned components. Therefore, we can guarantee durability and great longevity of our products.